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Enjoy the View: Group Rules for Observing Focus Groups – Excerpt from SoMM

Posted on September 17, 2021 by Riva Market Research Training Institute

With clients pushing to cover as many different issues as time allows, researchers using traditional two-hour focus groups have to make every minute count.  After allowing time for respondents to enter the room, get settled, listen to the study purpose, and introduce themselves, researchers only have 100 minutes for questions!  Setting up ground rules for respondents can help speed up the process and save valuable time.  From the client point of view, the focus group or the in-depth interview is more than just watching respondents through one-way mirrors or on remote video services through satellites.  It is “living research,” and this article focuses on ground rules for observers to make the qualitative market research as rich as possible.

Get Focused

            First of all, it’s important to be clear on the purpose of research.  What are the key reasons qualitative research is being conducted?   Have you read the background file on the study of the research proposal?  Is your agenda in line with the written study purpose?  Be sure to review the moderator’s guide before the start of the first session so you can become familiar with the key issues to be covered and the tasks to be completed.

            Arrive at least 45 minutes before the scheduled start of the session.  Your early arrival cuts down on the chance of running into participants and heightening their anxiety about who the observers are.  Then introduce yourself in a way that maintains corporate anonymity if the recruiting was blind.  This phrase works well: “Hello.  My name is [  ] and I’m here as part of the moderator’s team.  Is she/he here yet?”  Avoid saying something like, “Hello.  I’m the client and I’m here to watch the focus group.”

            A dramatic example of inappropriate client behavior occurred during a study for a radio station in New York City.  The purpose of the research was to assess the image of that station among light and heavy listeners.  The recruiting had been blind, so respondents didn’t know which radio station was paying for the project.  An early topic intended for each group was: “What’s your impression of WXYZ?  What do you associate with this station?”  These questions were to be asked about three stations in the New York City area.  It was critical to see what descriptive words were used about each station.

            Fifteen minutes before the group was due to begin, two observers from the client radio station came into the suite, briefcases in hand, and marched up to the reception desk.  One of them said, in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear:  “I’m with the station manager for WXYZ, and I’m here to watch the groups.”  The cat was out of the bag on several counts.  Every respondent now knew which radio station was paying for the research and what they looked like.  Any opportunity to get unbiased answers about the image of the station was lost.

            This sorely compromised the research opportunity, and the advertising agency and the moderator jointly agreed the disclosure would adversely affect the research to be garnered.  Therefore, the group of listeners were paid and sent home.  That gaffe cost the radio station all the costs for that group and a lost opportunity.

Be Flexible

            Both of moderator and the clients should be flexible.  Moderators don’t have to ask every question in the guide or ask the questions in the same language or order as the written guide.  The qualitative process is not as rigid as a survey, and good moderators “follow the energy” in a discussion.  Moderators also skip questions if respondents have already covered an area of it time constraints exist.

            Don’t expect every minute of every group or to be meaningful or every question to have an immediate payoff in providing important insights.  Some questions, and their subsequent answers by respondents, are “bridges” to move from one topic to another or to close down an area.  Respondents have to formulate an opinion, and sometimes they do that out loud rather than internally.  Sometimes the moderator is “backtracking” or “future pacing,” and the questions and their answers, on the surface, don’t appear to be going anywhere.

            You can also count on respondents to forget the ground rules occasionally.  The group process is dynamic—the respondents feed and stimulate each other.  In the excitement of a new idea, it’s natural to blurt out comments and all talk at once.  Fear and shyness about revealing one’s thoughts or beliefs can make someone talk softly or want to share only with someone nearby and not to the group as a whole.  Being the only one with a positive point of view in the face of negative reactions from others (or vice versa) can cause a respondent to lose his/her courage in the spotlight glare.

            Listen and observe.  Listen for more than a confirmation or a validation of your own point of view.  Listen to what respondents are actually saying and see it from their perspective.  Be willing to listen to misinformation and perhaps discover an insight into respondents’ thinking.  Be alert to the nuances of meaning and the language respondents use to present their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes.  Also, don’t expect a consensus within or across groups.  The degree of divergent thinking may be the trend that is report.

            Avoid judging respondents.  Even though respondents are told they’re being observed, they tend to forget because they can’t hear or see the observers.  However, observers look at the respondents with no chance of making eye contact and can use that “fly on the wall” vantage point to gain and unobstructed view of individuals’ perceptions, opinions, and attitudes.  On the other hand, some observers experience embarrassment during the viewing opportunity because they’re uncomfortable with the “sanctioned voyeurism” aspect of the mirror.  Either type of client may fall prey to judging respondents.  Respondents can be judged as not worthy to comment on the content under discussion because of their appearance or because they don’t meet the observer’s internal criteria or expectations.

            Moderators have learned to work under a guideline called unconditional positive regard (UPR).  This guideline enables them to interact with respondents, regardless of dislike of their looks, speech, or attitude so long as they are answering the questions posed and helping reach the intended purpose of the study.  It would be ideal if client observers could also master UPR and allow respondents to express themselves without being judged.

            Both moderators and clients should respect respondents and the information they bring along with their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes (POBAs).  And both should honor respondents who have come alone to a research facility to meet with a group of strangers for a stipend to discuss a topic only vaguely outlined on the phone.

            Watch non-verbal behavior.  Look for congruence between what is said and how the respondent looks.  Do not label non-verbal behavior or attach external meanings.  Example:  A respondent crosses her arms over her chest and leans away from the table as another respondents talk about a sensitive issue.  What does her non-verbal behavior mean?  It could mean discomfort with the conversation or disapproval of the other respondent for having a different point of view or for speaking at all about the topic.  It could mean an old back injury has flared up and crossing the arms relieves some of the ache.  Because possible explanations exist, simply note the behavior and see if verbal comments are made that provide insights.  If clients take notes during the discussion on non-verbal aspects of the discussion, that will be useful in the debriefing process.

            Set up agreements and procedures in advance.  It’s wise to remain in the observation room(s) during the full period of the interview.  Repeated door openings allow respondents to be reminded that the mirror is two-way.  Also, treat the facility staff as professionals, not as servants.  If you have a special food request, please ask for it in advance, not on site.  Don’t abuse the rental agreement the moderator has with the facility by calling long distance without using your credit card or by leaving trash strewn about the viewing room at the end of the research session.  It’s also inappropriate to arrive too early or stay beyond the allotted time without a prior agreement with the facility.

            Meet with the moderator one hour before the group and work out agreements.  Be sure the moderator is clear about any changes wanted since the time of your last conversation with him/her.  Figure out the maximum number of notes to be sent into the moderator.  It’s best to send no notes into the room during the first 45 minutes to allow the moderator time to build rapport.  But if you want a respondent excused, send the note as early as possible.

            Never ask a facility staff remember to step into the room and say, “Respondent Z, you have a phone call.  Bring your coat, purse, or briefcase with you.”  This “lie” is transparent and deeply harms the rapport process because respondents will be waiting to see if their statement results in someone behind the mirror pushing the “eject” button on them.  Send a note to the moderator with the name of the person you want excused and a brief reason, and the moderator will handle it appropriately without losing rapport or trust with the remaining respondents.

            Establish the approximate time of “false close.”  The standard practice for the industry is to set the false close at about 15 minutes before the scheduled end time of the sessions.  To set up a false close, the moderator says, “I have to step out for a moment.  While I’m gone, please do the following….”  The participants complete the assigned task while the moderator visits with one client spokesperson to obtain additional written questions observers want asked of respondents.  The moderator then returns to the room and asks additional questions.

Tips to Remember

            The two-way mirror in a wall is almost impossible to soundproof, so be careful when making any noise that respondents might hear.  Also, remember that qualitative research is intended to provide clients with a variety of outcomes, such as a range of responses from varied groups of respondents, insights into the thinking of a person either in groups or individually, and detailed exploration of issues without full closure.  It also helps researchers observe reactions after exposure to concepts, products, and ads.  When conducting focus groups, don’t expect to be entertained.  In fact, researchers can expect to encounter boredom, frustration, disappointment, enlightenment, confirmation, distraction, and confusion along with some really stellar insights.

            Finally, keep in mind that qualitative research isn’t rocket science.  It’s real people providing their points of view about products, services, ideas, concepts, or advertising.  Sometimes it’s funny.  Sometimes it’s sad.  It can be tiresome, enervating, exciting, or enlivening.  However the process goes, it’s always about people.  You have a window into the lives of respondents.  Enjoy the view!

Written by: Naomi Henderson, CEO & Co-Founder

If you enjoyed this chapter – be sure to check out Naomi’s book Secrets of a Master Moderator for tools, tips, and techniques from 30 years of experience!