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2025 QRCA Annual Conference Key Takeaways

Posted on February 28, 2025 by brittany
2025 QRCA Annual Conference Key Takeaways

I can’t say enough about the QRCA 2025 Annual Conference.

It was wonderful to catch up with colleagues as well as RIVA alums. I tell people all the time that QRCA is such a unique organization to be part of. Maybe it’s our natural curiosity or thriving on the human connection or even something else that has us choose this field. Regardless of what you do, qualitative research, UX/Usability research, project management, data analysis, or even conducting quantitative research, there is an instant connection between people in the field.

As with all conferences, there seemed to be something for everyone. I enjoyed sessions from Qually School, Business/Leadership, as well as Moderators Advanced. Whether it was learning something new, seeing something in a different light, or even confirming my current skills, I walked away with so much. I believe professional growth doesn’t ever end if you don’t want it to. It doesn’t just personally impact us, but it impacts the companies we work for, our clients, our personal relationships, as well as our colleagues.

Key Takeaways From Sessions

What is Your Qual Tribe?  

There was a general session on “What is your Qual Tribe?” This session covered four different tribes: Traditionalists, Humanists, Pragmatists, and Innovator. I found this enlightening as most of us fall not into one tribe, but across tribes. My beliefs mostly fell into the “Pragmatists” tribe, although I have a lot of “Traditionalists” as well as “Humanists” tribe beliefs.

A “Pragmatist” is someone who believes qualitative is about helping clients make better decisions, having strong client relationships, and being flexible. “Traditionalists” believes qualitative excellence is reliant on proven methodologies, mastery of classic approaches, and knowledge of theory and practice. Lastly, “Humanists” believe qualitative is a way of giving everyone a voice, making a difference in the world, and capturing lived experiences. The “Innovator” is someone who pushes qualitative boundaries, knows the technology, they are creative and willing to shake things up.

The one that doesn’t speak to me as loud is the “Innovator” tribe. Although I do believe in innovation and pushing boundaries of qualitative, I believe we need to be grounded in the other tribes to make sure we don’t push too hard or in the wrong direction.

Disaster Proofing & Business Continuity for the Solopreneur and Small Business

Inspiring me to a call of action, this session highlighted that you can never be too prepared and not being prepared when it comes to the work you do can quickly end what you have built. The other session that will bring call to action for me was the “Disaster Proofing & Business Continuity for the Solopreneur and Small Business.” All of us are replaceable, but wouldn’t it be nice when that day comes, we make it easy or less painful for those that will continue the business. It can be overwhelming and even daunting to think and prepare for what will happen when you are no longer part of the company you own or work for.  It’s like creating your Will and/or Trust. You want to make sure as much as possible is written out. Don’t keep all the information stored in your head. Let someone else in on the plan; let others know how to get into your accounts; how to work with your clients once you are gone. Find time to plan for the future of the business you work for, run, or own. Don’t leave things to fate, as things probably won’t turn out the way you had envisioned. 

Attending conferences opens opportunities, revives my curiosity for learning, allows me to connect with people I haven’t seen in a while, as well as meet new people. I was recently involved in training our RIVA 303 class. One of the students in the class was also at QRCA in Philly. Although we didn’t connect there, we both got excited when we were able to share a couple of things that stood out to us. Can’t wait until next year’s conference in San Antonio, TX.

Written by: Amber Tedesco, CEO at RIVA